In this Complimentary Event, you will:
1. Identify your 'Sweet Spot' - What are your ideal action-steps for achieving long term success
Feel Better - Uncover the mineral deficiency that can take you from singing the blues to dancing in your shoes
Improve relationships and experience more JOY! Break through 2 common blocks that stand between where you are today and where you want to be
Imagine ... What would your life be like if you had more energy and better health? What would you do? Who would you be? At this event, you will learn simple steps for identifying the action steps you can make that will have the largest overall positive impact on your life. And you’ll learn how to turn these practices into habits to achieve maximum lasting benefits. You will walk away from this event with simple tools you can start using today and can stick with in the future, which will lead to helping you achieve lasting health, wellness, and joy in your life. Blessings.
Feel Better + Accomplish More = Improved Relationships and More JOY!
Hosted by Alexa Masters, founder of Women's Mastery Academy