Retirement Planning Workshop - Social Security Benefits

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Name: Retirement Planning Workshop - Social Security Benefits
Date: May 5, 2021
Time: 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM PDT
Event Description:

Everyone dreams of the day they retire, but often not a lot of thought goes into what the days after retirement look like.  This presentation and all materials provided will help you think through the the financial aspects and the plan to fill your days in retirement, so you can plan today so you secure your tomorrow.

At Pacific Wealth Planning, Inc we create financial plans and implementation strategies that are tailored to your needs and goals for retirement and beyond.  Let us help you plan today so you’re secure tomorrow and beyond.

Host: Pacific Wealth Planning, Inc. Financial Advisor/Founder Laura Steinbeck, CFP®,?ChFC®,CDFA®? 

Date: Wednesday May 5, 2021 6:00pm-7:30pm PDT.


  • How to properly file for Social Security benefits
  • How to maximize the amount you are eligible for
  • How to avoid common mistakes people make when claiming their benefits
  • How to optimize your assets to minimize or avoid paying taxes on your Social Security benefits
  • How much income you can make and still draw Social Security
  • How Social Security is taxed
  • How to file and restrict benefits
  • How to claim a spouses benefit even if divorced
Please feel free to send this event to any and all people that you think would benefit from this informational course.
Please register using the weblink or by calling 844-211-6119 RSVP #4717. Bring all of your questions, we look forward to meeting you. 
Virtual (Zoom)
Date/Time Information:
May 5, 2021
6:00 PM-7:30 PM
Contact Information:
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